Artists Listings Now Cycle For Equal Visibility!
I enjoy listening to your comments and suggestions. A few of you suggested that older artist listings revolve to appear on the main entry page of our website (www.abstractartistgallery.org). There are so many excellent artists on the site now, the last thing we want is for any listing to go “stale”. So, with some digging of my own, I’ve managed to find and implement a script that does just that!
But not only will your listings cycle through the main entry page, you will also appear again within the other sections of our website that receive an equal amount of traffic – the Abstract Artists section and the Main Gallery. The oldest artist listings cycle through the site first, very gradually, so that each artist receives equal visibility over time. The cycle time will be around 14 days so that new artists that are still appearing on our entry page will not be moved off the page for a while.
This in essence make every aspect of the site fresh and interconnected, especially when you combine this new feature with our last modification of including an “other abstract artists” section below each individual listing. I feel this is another simple and positive step towards making the Abstract Artist Gallery the very best, most unique website of its kind. What do you think?