Dan Cope

Dan Cope

Abstract Artist: Dan Cope
Medium: Acrylic
Website: www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/d/dancope

Abstract art happens inside the viewer. When an abstract piece is viewed,it appears as only lines and shapes and colors.  If the viewer lets the imgination run free then the art has more personal meaning.The abstract image is only a doorway to another world.  If the viewer chooses to go through the doorway the reward is a rich visual experience that is unique to the individual.  There is more to it than meets the eye.  It can have a healing effect.I paint for my own healing.  When I share my art with others, they seem to feel the same.

Dan Cope is a sixty year old man who has painted all his life.  He has never had any lessons.  It all comes straight from the heart.  He has shown in various small venues, cafes, coffee shops, etc.  He has also had some gallery shows as well, both group and solo.  Dan Cope has three collectors of his work so far.  He has never heard a negative comment about his work and so is encouraged to do more.

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