Jacques Levy
Abstract Artist: Jacques Levy
Medium: Oil
Website: www.jacqueslevyartistepeintre.ca
Searching the relation of man to nature in its most spontaneous creation , to reveal the emotions of the soul in contemplation ,reaching the depth of the inner desire for perfection, expressing all senses in one.
A self taught artist and a confirmed graphic designer, jacques Levy is Canadian, born in Casablanca ( Morocco ). He received a french education and speaks 4 languages fluently. He traveled all over Europe and lived in Spain 3 years before immigrating to Canada in 1967. Married in 1975 with a French Canadian girl, he was blessed with two daughters, Kim and Audrey. After his divorce in 1992, he dedicated himself to design and expression in the visual arts. Using his wide experience thru travels and studies of different cultures , he has worked for the last 20 years in abstract oil paintings. his mode of encounter is varied and relentless, experiencing new techniques. The main goal being a sincerely profound search in expressing the relation of man to nature.