Karo Evans
Abstract Artist: Karo Evans (Caroline Caux-Evans)
Medium: Mixed Media
Website: www.elfandkaroevans.com
Art is Heart! Art is for EVERYONE not only the Elite. Art is an Offering from the guts of the Artist/Heartist to the Recipient, the Receiver. It is a Story of emotions, feelings,colors,shapes,impressions,light,textures, which convey an experience from the “Giver” to the one who is sensing, experiencing,drinking, what the artist has given birth to. A piece of art is like a foetus, growing inside the womb,nurtured day by day by the soul, the spirit, the body and the surroundings of the “Heartist ” which can open a new dimension into the life of the one who is “dancing”, with what has caught his eyes, his attention,his soul and spirit.
Caroline Caux-Evans is a Photographer and an Abstract Expressionist Painter who has been raised in different cultures and has been “shapped” by them. She has had the opportunity to work in refugee camps, take care of the terminally ill patients and the “down trodden and left-overs from society.