Abstract Artist Linda Sherman

Linda Sherman

Abstract Artist: Linda Sherman
Medium: Acrylic
Website: www.PaintingsByLindaSherman.com

I love putting paint on the canvas. I scrape, squirt and rub the surface until I get what I want. For me, the medium IS the message. Painting is also all about the process of discovery. I might have something in mind when I start a canvas, but in reacting to each mark made, I often wind up in a very different place from where I started. Having been a graphic designer for so many years, composition and structure are very important to me as well as surface texture and color. The act of making images like this is freedom, meditation, and critical to my satisfaction in life.

Linda attended college at Carnegie Mellon University where she earned a BFA in graphic design. Her interest in abstraction flows naturally from being a designer. After beginning her design career in 1970, Linda started her own business in 1977. In 2008, she retired to pursue her interest in painting. Besides fine arts classes at CMU, Linda has studied at Montgomery College and with private instructors, including Skip Lawrence. She is currently taking open studio at the Delaplaine Center in Frederick, MD with Calvin Edward Ramsburg.

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