Lucie Beardwood
Abstract Artist: Lucie Beardwood
Medium: Mixed Media
Website: www.luciebeardwood.co.uk
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LucieBeardwoodArt?ref=hl
My work is process based and is intrinsically linked with my interest in duality, specifically in achieving a balance between the two states of chaos and order. Living in the forest has led to observation of the inherent balance contained within nature. The forest often appears chaotic and wild but on closer examination there are also signs of order; patterns and structures emerge to create a balance that resists either extreme, yet this balance is a constantly changing state of construction and reconstruction, it is not a balance that is stable and fixed, it remains elusive, appearing and disappearing.
My paintings are an attempt to replicate this constant shifting interplay between order and chaos, equilibrium and disequilibrium,
resting as close to balance between these two states as possible and culminating in an acceptance that perfect balance is not possible in an ever changing state.
Lucie is an artist living and working in the beautiful and inspiring Forest Of Dean. She grew up in and has a deep connection to the countryside, to nature with it’s silence and stillness which masks a complex organic system, a balanced yet never static state between chaos and order. She is in her final year of her Ba(hons) Fine Art:Drawing and Painting Degree at Gloucester University and has exhibited in exhibitions, both in the uk and Internationally.