Marianne Hornbuckle
Abstract Artist: Marianne Hornbuckle
Medium: Acrylic
Website: www.mariannehornbuckle.com
My abstract paintings reflect an Eastern compositional sensibility fused with Western color use. Uniquely layered energetic visual tapestries universal in their
meditative and spiritual substance, they are a reflection of my lifelong search for expression of both an inner and outer beauty.
From a memorable second grade drawing of a postman, an English degree and teaching, a suburban life in Texas complete with trial lawyer and two kids, into watercolor abstracts of the Southwest landscape and a move to a rural life in New Mexico at 40, Marianne Hornbuckle continued her passion for art. She has evolved through several artistic incarnations over 30 years as a full-time professional artist, continually broadening her explorations and finally arriving at abstraction 10 years ago and figurative sculpture five. She lives, works, and thrives in Pojoaque, north of Santa Fe, with William Preston, her sumi artist partner in crime.