Philip DeAngelo
Abstract Artist: Philip DeAngelo
Medium: Mixed Media
Website: www.philipdeangeloart.com
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/PhilipDeAngeloArt
I am told that I see the world differently than most. A world of simple shapes, saturated colors and above all, texture. I believe in a God who is in love with beauty and He created this vibrant planet to reflect that beauty. Much of my work is based on the “Golden Section” and the use of implied symbolism. There is an order to nature, you just need to know where to look. All of my work starts with a unique texture and with the exception of my figurative pieces, are seldom planned out but rather evolve into the finished painting. The textured surface dictates the flow of the composition. The natural grains in a piece of poplar become a dramatic sky or the movement of water. A piece of old ceiling tin with rust and holes becomes the perfect terra firma topped with a patch of green grass.
Philip DeAngelo is a lifelong artist who has been involved in just about every aspect of the fine art business. In 1997 he opened Sagemore Gallery in Ocean City, NJ. For the next 12 years Phil worked to promote local artists and also served on the Board of Directors for the local arts center. He is also the founder of a small art publishing company that distributed work to more than 60 countries. In 2008, Phil and his wife, Tina, and their dogs moved to Asheville, NC after falling in love with the vibrant arts community and the incredible beauty of the surrounding mountains. He made the leap to full time artist in 2011. Broken Road Studio is his working studio and gallery located in the Wedge Building of Asheville’s historic River Arts District.
“DeAngelo is known for his rich palette, depth of color and the textural element of his paintings. Using a variety of substrates, his subject is often an uncluttered landscape, where it is the form of the trees, combined with the mood set by the sky and the movement created by wind that convey his message.” [John Horrocks, Owner BlackBird Gallery, Asheville]