Rinella Ivankovic
Abstract Artist: Rinella Ivankovic
Medium: Acrylic, Mixed Media
Website: www.rinellaivankovic.wix.com/art-from-the-heart
I experience art as a medium that should serve a higher purpose. I think that the inborn sensibility has been given to an artist to reach more refined spiritual qualities of life and that his mission is to transfer those qualities and bring them closer to other people through his art. In doing so he helps himself and others. During the painting process I try to focus on my inner peace and joy in my heart and let the intuition guide me. So most of my paintings have been created in such a spontaneous way, while their positive vibrations spread into the surrounding thus achieving pleasant, open and inspiring, both the atmosphere and the way of communication with the viewer. The emphasis is on the power and richness of color which, with its playful, round and irregular shapes, forms, along with liberated drawing, builds up perfect composition giving the painting its harmony.
Rinella Ivankovic was born in 1979. in Zagreb, Croatia. After graduating painting from the School of Art and Design in Zagreb, she entered the Academy of Fine Arts, witch she finished in 2007. on the sculpture section. So far, she had nine solo exhibitions and many group exhibitions in Croatia and one in Austria. She also participated in numerous art workshops and colonies. Periodically she runs art workshops for children and creates scenography for theater, events and promotions.