Sandi Neiman Lovitz
Abstract Artist: Sandi Neiman Lovitz
Medium: Mixed Media
Website: www.sandineimanlovitz.com
My earliest memories are of color: a robin’s egg, dandelions, rainbows of fractured light from the sun on a crystal bottle. I wanted to eat those colors; I wanted to be them. My paintings are about color, particularly the way colors interact with one another and change our perception of them. Painted in layers, each layer influences the next, in the same way that the choices and decisions we make throughout our lives makes us who we are. I’m willing to take chances with my work, just as I’m willing to take chances in my life, because I’ve learned that little that is unique or precious is gained without risk.
Sandi graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelors degree in Art Education, and taught art in the Pittsburgh public school system for two years. She attended summer art classes at Carnegie Tech and was a juried member in the Pittsburgh watercolor society before moving to Philadelphia. Sandi continued to teach private classes and exhibit her paintings. Her passion for art led into various businesses that all involved the creative process. Plastic Fantastics was started with a friend, where they designed and manufactured acrylic functional art pieces. This, combined with her business connections resulted in her decision to learn sign painting as a trade. She did free style hand lettering on windows, tractor trailers, paper and wood for approximately 10 years. Following that she developed a line of hand painted clothing that was sold throughout the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Because of business connections she was asked to do murals in personal and commercial areas and also created a line of hand-painted furniture which was represented by several galleries in the area. During this whole time Sandi continued to exhibit her paintings in various shows and and was part of the Merrill Collection, a gallery in West Chester, Pa. She was asked to take the position of President of the Tri-State Pennsylvania Artists Equity for a year and has continued to serve on the executive board. She is also involved in ARTsisters, a group of women who are professional visual artists that not only support each other, but also reach out to women and children in the community. Sandi is a faculty member at the MAIN LINE ART CENTER in Haverford, Pennsylvania and now paints full time in her studio.