No 45 - Abstract Painting by Wayne Marto

Wayne Marto

Abstract Artist: Wayne Marto
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
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I paint because I answered her call. When I first saw the paint splattering on the blank canvas, there was an immediate joy, as if I were being reunited with a long lost friend; a friend to whom I can open up completely and be greeted with endless compassion and forgiveness. I also find that the process of painting – the solitude, the stillness and the inner peace – promotes an emotional catharsis, as if I am completely exposed before the blank canvas, yet she understands the shades of my being, and she answers my cry with sweet, loving acceptance, transforming my muted colors into a rainbow, wonderfully vibrant and alive.

Wayne Marto has been painting abstract spiritual art since experiencing a profound spiritual awakening in 2014 after several years of deep spiritual contemplation and meditation. His paintings are self-described as “visual manifestations of my spiritual journey, the evolution from the ego-bound self to the soul-knowing liberated self.” He uses a combination of slapping, dripping and spraying acrylic paint onto canvas, either right from the paint bottle or with various splatter brushes. Recently he has started working with gel medium to thicken the paint and allow for the use of various putty knives. He lives with his wife and two sons in Seattle, WA.

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